Have you thought about getting more involved in UNISON?
09/06/2022Have you thought about getting more involvement in UNISON.
Cheshire East UNISON currently have a number of Branch positions available, such as a Communications Officer, Equality Officer, Education Co-ordinator, Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator, Membership Officer, Young Members Officer, and Sports and Social Officer.
Cheshire East Unison are currently looking for new Workplace stewards, Health and Safety reps, Equality reps, Unison Learning reps, workplaces contacts.
One of the most vital jobs of a Unison Branch. is to recruit new members and stewards. Organised workplaces with a high density of union membership mean that UNISON has much greater influence with local management and with employers. Organised workplaces give members a stronger sense of confidence and ability to change things. Please get in touch, all training expenses are provided.
Please get in touch with the Cheshire East UNISON Branch Office if you are interested in knowing more about any of these posts at [email protected] or phone the branch office on 01244 346894.
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