Cabinet Minutes: 10th December 2012
18/11/2013Cabinet Minutes: 10th December 2012
Future Delivery Model for Waste Management Services
The identification of future service delivery options for recycling and waste was a major change project for the Council and specialist consultancy had been commissioned to assess options for the delivery of the Councils household waste and recycling services. Four service delivery options had been considered and the report identified the option that would deliver the highest savings, the relevant timescales for its implementation, measures that could be taken in the short term and the steps to be taken to commence the procurement process.
It was reported that the contract for residual waste disposal was due to expire in March 2014 and could not be extended further. Although the garden waste composting, recyclate processing and bulking contracts were due to expire at the same time there was more flexibility with those as they could be extended beyond that time.
1. That approval be given to Option i/ii as the preferred way forward and that the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, and the relevant Portfolio Holders, work with the relevant Members to commence the procurement exercise immediately.
2. That the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, appraise the Cabinet of the outcome of the tender exercise, and seek their approval to proceed with the contract award, at a future meeting of the Cabinet.
3. That the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, be authorised to procure an interim residual waste treatment contract to run from April 2014 until the implementation of new overall arrangements.
4. That the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, be authorised to extend the current dry recycling and garden waste contracts to coincide with the implementation of the new arrangements.
5. That the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, be authorised to procure external consultancy support to deliver new arrangements.
6. That the Strategic Director Places and Organisational Capacity, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, be authorised to explore alternative procurement routes to traditional procurement processes, including working with other local authorities or local authority consortia to deliver the goals of this project but in a more cost effective manner .
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