Cabinet Minutes: 25th May 2013
25/11/2013Cabinet Minutes: 25th May 2013
Review of Service Delivery Options – Leisure Services
Cabinet considered a report seeking approval for the creation of a company to deliver leisure services.
Cabinet had previously resolved: “That approval be given to the procurement and appointment of a suitable leisure and financial consultant to review the range of potential delivery models available and recommend a preferred option for leisure and related services.â€
The report set out the work to date on the various potential delivery models to secure the future of leisure services and sought approval for the creation of a company that would be a charitable Trust and for the delivery of leisure services to be transferred to that company.
The Council’s leisure facilities were currently managed in-house. In line with the need to deliver efficiencies in future service provision the report outlined the conclusions from the options appraisal work by FMG consulting. The full options appraisal report was attached at appendix A to the report. The project had been reviewed by the Technical Enabler Group on 2nd May 2013 and the Group’s comments had been taken into account.
(1) Cabinet notes the findings of the options appraisal and consultation exercise that have concluded that the most appropriate model for the delivery of leisure services is that of a charitable trust;
(2) The recommissioning of leisure services be approved with an effective target date of 1st April 2014 and with the new operating model being established by the end of the year at the latest. In making this decision, Cabinet takes into consideration sections 9 and 10 of the report and in particular 9.1; and
(3) Subject to resolution (2), delegated authority be given to the Head of Public Protection and Enforcement (SRO for the project), Borough Solicitor and 151 Officer (or the officers that are devolved those powers) to implement the preferred delivery model in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Leader of the Council.
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