Call-in of Key Decision CE12/13-18 Delivery of Streetscape and Parking Maintenance Activities Appendix 1


Appendix 1
Call-in of Key Decision CE12/13-18 Delivery of Streetscape and Parking
Maintenance Activities
The 9 councillors listed below have called in the decision of the Cabinet on the
Streetscape works well, perhaps excellently. Highways contract is unproven and
insufficient evidence is available to show that the service will not deteriorate or even
to make the decision to change. Also:
Professional advice was not taken from officers or not duly considered.
The decision was taken in the absence of adequate evidence.
There was inadequate consultation relating to the decision.
Viable alternatives were not considered.
Councillor D Brickhill
Councillor S Hogben
Councillor B Murphy
Councillor A Moran
Councillor S Jones
Councillor M Grant
Councillor R Fletcher
Councillor B Burkhill
Councillor M Parsons
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