Notes of the TU meeting held on 10 September 2013


    Notes of the TU meeting held on 10 September 2013

1.    Present John Callan
             Dominic Whelan
             Karen Begley HR
             Alison Wolden HR
     Teresa Connolly  Unison
     Fran Suckley Unison
     Colin Dew-Parry Unison
     Marie Saunders – GMB
             Neil Harvey GMB

Apologies Olga Kokinnis Unison, Craig Nicholson Unions

The meeting welcomed Dominic Whelan MD for the first time and representatives from GMB

2.    Update on programme

On target to shadow period on 1 October 2013, during which the SLE starts to adopt the values and principal of the new company.

A decision on the Branding and Logo is expected on Friday at Executive Board and will e communicated to colleague following.

A staff event as detailed in the communication plan is arranged for 30 September 2013.  The floor Walks have taken place and went well.  The key outcomes from the staff event are to
•    Start to share values
•    Engage in what the shadow period means
•    Get a customer perspective for the Senior stakeholders who will be present
•    An opportunity for shared learning.

The Trade Unions are welcome to attend.  Details will be sent.

Activities are ongoing across all the work streams.  The Programme Board continues to meet fortnightly led by Chris Mann and Mark Wynn tracking progress and feeding items into the Executive Board

Action: Send details of the Staff event to the Trade Unions

3.    Co location

The collocation of staff from Nicholas House to Goldsmith House is still awaiting the green light pending agreement between East and West around funding.  Some services have already moved to Nicholas House creating space at Goldsmith House for minimal work to be undertaken

Action: None

4.    Job Swap Protocol.

The Consultation over the move from Winsford and Congleton to Chester had started and would end on 30 September 2013.  One to one discussions were taken place with affected staff members.  A number of staff were opting for job Swap.  The understanding was that if Job Swap was not successful staff would relocate.

GMB asked for clarity around pay protection for those who swapped into a lower graded post.   It was explained that Job Swap was distinct from redeployment, redeployee’s do not have a role, but that staff wishing to be considered for job swap do and therefore have a choice. None the less the unions considered this a potential barrier to a successful swap, potentially resulting in claims for unreasonable travel.  It was explained that efforts to identify potential Job Swap partners was under way and whilst at first there were not many there are some that present a potential match, and that in at least one case a match would be made before the end of the consultation period.  The Unions were happy to support this if it was agreed with the individual.

Final outcomes of the one to ones to be report at the next meeting

Action: Ongoing   
5.    Any other Business

TC asked if at the next meeting the Unions could see the comparison of terms and conditions

Action: T&C comparison to be sent ahead of the next meeting   

6.    Items for the next meeting

•    Terms and Conditions
•    TUPE and measures•       
Date of next meeting 24 September 3-4pm HQ


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