Be a UNISON Work Place Contact
Be a UNISON Work Place Contact
Workplace contacts play a number of different roles.
- They may distribute information, support a steward or carry out some tasks normally undertaken by a steward.
- Workplace contacts do not have access to the same rights as stewards but can and do play an important role in enabling groups of members to organise effectively.
- This is an ideal role for someone who is interested in becoming a steward or safety representative, but would like to find out more about what is involved. It is also ideal for those groups of members who can find no-one willing to be a steward.
- Workplace contacts have a more informal role than stewards or safety representatives. They can also operate as part of a network supporting an elected steward.
Workplace contacts have access to a range of benefits from UNISON, but these are more limited than elected stewards and safety representatives. They include regular UNISON information, involvement in branch work, some training courses and advice on dealing with workplace problems.
If you are interested in becoming a UNISON work place contact, please contact the branch.
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