Know Your Rights at Work


Know Your Rights

TUC Advice 


workSMART is a TUC site, helping today's working people get the best from work. Visit now for our free comprehensive, plain-English guides to all aspects of your employment rights, your health at work, and pay and pensions, as well as a jargonbuster to explain technical terms and an interactive trade union finder

Basic Rights @ Work

Basic Rights @ Work is a TUC resource, outlining basic workplace rights. From explaining how your employment status determines your workplace rights , through to what those rights are, on to video introductions to enforcement agencies who can help to enforce your basic workplace rights.

 Know Your Rights leaflets

The TUC publishes a series of free leaflets explaining your rights at work and dealing with other common workplace problems. You download these online here, or read them online at workSMART.

Adoption leave and pay (updated April 2007)
Agency workers have rights too!maternity
Coping with the Economic Downturn (PDF) (December 2008)
Facing Redundancy (PDF) (updated March 2009)
Flexible working for parents (updated April 2007)
Leave and pay for mothers (PDF) (updated November 2014)
Paid holiday and rest breaks at work (PDF) (October 2007)
Leave and Pay for Fathers and Partners (November 2014)
Privacy at work (PDF) (August 2006)
Time off for families (PDF) (August 2003)Young people at work
Time off and flexible working for carers (PDF) (December 2013)
Time's up for long hours (PDF) (September 2003)
Understanding grievances and disciplinaries (PDF) (August 2011)
Working in the UK - a guide to your rights (November 2014)
Young people at work (PDF) (April 2003)
Your rights as a homeworker (PDF) (May 2004)
Your Rights At Work - the book

Your Rights At WorkFor a comprehensive guide to your rights at work, try the third edition of the TUC/Kogan Page book, Your Rights At Work. This edition contains new sections on pensions, family rights, and surveillance. All the original material, which included contracts of employment, working time, maternity rights, parental leave, dismissal, health and safety, bullying, wages and discrimination are updated. Every one at work needs a copy.
"Every worker has something to gain from dipping into this simply written guide." - The Observer.
You can buy this now from TUC online publications shop for only £9.99, with free postage and packing in the UK.

Benefits for union members:

If you are in a union you can also ask them for advice. Unions are experts at solving problems at work.
If you are interested in joining a union, check out workSMART's interactive union finder.

Helpful resources

You will also find documents which relate to rights at work all over this TUC site. Just find the subject you are interested in by selecting from the subject drop down menu, and then browse through the documents in this area. Of particular interest may be The Law at Work subject area. Also check out some of these other useful sites:

Pay and Work Rights Helpline 0800 917 23680800 917 2368 FREE
GOV.UK Employment
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
Health and Safety Executive
Equality & Human Rights Commission

Working Families runs a free helpline and can assist with queries on maternity and paternity rights; parental leave; flexible working; emergency leave; all rights and benefits for working parents and carers. The Freephone number is 0300 012 0312or email our helpline team for advice at


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