Claim back tax for cleaning your uniform
21/06/2015Don’t lose out – are you claiming tax back for cleaning your uniform at work?
Do you wear a uniform as part of your job? Do you have to wash your own uniform? Did you know that you could be eligible to claim tax back for cleaning your uniform?
Following negotiations with the Inland Revenue, UNISON has reached an agreement whereby members may be able to claim tax relief for the cost of cleaning their own uniform. This includes cleaners, catering assistants, lunchtime organisers, or anyone who launders a work uniform embroidered with their employer’s logo. You can backdate claims for up to six years and could be due hundreds of pounds – and once claimed your tax code will be adjusted so you pay less tax.
To find out if you can claim and how to do it, you can download the attached form. So see if you can claim – and don’t lose out.
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