NJC Pay for 2023 - SETTLED


NJC Pay for 2023 is settled.


The GMB ballot concluded last week and they have taken the decision yesterday that they will not be taking any industrial action. The Joint Trade Unions met today, both UNISON and GMB taking the position to settle NJC Pay 2023 and get the money into member's pockets without delay. UNITE accepted that as two of the three trade unions wished to settle that this is the position of the Trade Union Side. The employers have been notified.


The formal joint circular has been sent to employers to ask them to implement the pay award. A copy of that is attached.


There will be a UNISON Branch Circular and there will also be an all NJC member email sent from National Office to advise that pay has settled. We expect these comms on either Thursday or Friday. 

The NJC Committee will meet on 13 November to begin discussions on the 2024 pay claim.


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